And I continue to rock this town .
Friday, January 29, 2010

Damn i rockxzxzxz \m/

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO \m/ Im back , miss me ? Oh , dont mention it (: Blog is dead , tsktsktsk . What have i done . Pity you , . Why th hell i chose larevolution ? Ooh ohh , i know why (: Sad one :( Nvm . Sorry fr not blogging these few days , was packed with lotsa homeworks and tests , had to go home at 5+ 6+ 7+ and also bro's chalet thingy . 2201-2401 . It was damn fun , but bites all over . Was so itchy , and painful . Bro's friends came , and i didn't realised that one of them was my friend , old pal . Or whatsoever . He'd changed . So diff ^.^ Bro's new 'gf' came too , with her other friend , I swore her friend was like a bitch . She is one , or act like one . I hate that . Slept with eldest bro's gf , she is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee . And cute . Looks just like th cat Marie . Oh oh , she likes Marie too . Number 1 fan oi . Her bro came too , Fareiz ^.^ Hot oiy , with his deadlock hair . COOLNESSZXZXZXZ . Haha . On th second day , Both of them and my brothers slept in one room , oh so cute (NOT) . But most of th time , i was bored . 24/7 took pictures , fishing , on th comp . So i decided to camwhore , on my own . Just like what i did above -.- I find it funny , i only love th bg . I wanna cut my hair , seems irritating and long . Zzzzzz ~ To see all those pics , everything is at facebook (:

So yes , talking about chalet thingy , sorry Shida for not going your bdae party . Nest stop , Janz bdae . What must i buy for her ? Nyehe . I know youre reading it right now , Jannah . Lol . Test test test . I don't even know a sigle thing about set what set . Had a test about sets just now , im gonna fail , for sure . If i pass , its my luck . Lol . Had to serve detention two days ago , due to cca . Hah . My first time (AHAHAHAHA -.-) to serve detention . Imma good girl , seeee (: There's band tomorrow , aww man . Baru nk enjoy , zzzzz . I haveeeeee .... Art , maths , mly homeworks . Im so gonna hate this . Ooh okee , im gonna do it tomorrow , or th next day , or th next day xD
I miss Ain , Aien :( Long timeee no seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . Ain , kau belikn ape ? Lol . Almoset everyday , or every time , Mirawr and i will eat sweets in class for almost every lesson . To help us stay awake , haha . And th kpo Umar kept asking for one . -_-

I have nothing to talk about now , so lemme show you some pics i took at Aloha Changi , th chalet thingy . For more , you know where to find for it , Fbfbfbbbb ! :D Ty .

Nenek cool je ~

Th Wawa(s)

Saw Marie ? Its hers .

Kak Nadya - she's th Marie , lol , Abg Fariez , bro , Me and me other bro .

Wardah , Siti Amoi , Wardah . Lol .

Bro's friends .

Bro's 'gf' . Wootwoot ~

Satu family ~

With in laws to be . Lol .

Th guys ~


Yum-ness ~

With Siti Ruq ~




12:23 AM
Yours truly.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'll post on Friday , bye .

3:51 AM
Yours truly.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hi .

Hi peeeps ! Sorry for not blogging .
Was due to my laziness and school .
These few days , been studying and studying , and dad wants to cut
my hair botak for lame reasons . And i hate that . Cut my hair botak , byebye ah dad .
I'll be gonee forever . Taik .
Not gonna have my font coloured , lazy ahhhhh .
I miss you guys , lol .
Tags will be reply lateeeee i tell you .
Im damn lazy , sucha fatass .

I havent done any homeworks , swear im lazy .
At granny's house now . And where are you , Benji ?
Had to face teachers on monday again . And good luck for me .
Monday - p.e . DEAD . Idk what else to type .
Ohhohh ! Good luck to all those O lvl peeps who made it through to poly/jc !

Adios .


2:48 AM
Yours truly.

Friday, January 8, 2010
hazim here^^

Hey people,Hazim here,WARDAH asked me to post something,so I shall,maybe?

So it's been boring these past few months,and I'm sick and tired of holidays ;I miss school,I miss friends
So same old daily routine everyday,wake up,bathe,chat,go out,come back and finally sleep It's boring,don't you think so?Well at least bought a few things with my salary
IPOD TOUCH ! and SONY ERICSSON SATIO - Best Buys of the season

So I went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Open House yesterday;awesome
I soo wana go there
Amazing things happening in there
I kinda fell in love with the school
There's a recording studio
How cool is that?I could my songs,that is,if I can enter that school
I didn't know so many celebrities were from there
Went to school of media studies then,saw her;missed two opportunities
Should have asked = I got a feeling that she could be the one,nahh,we'll just see about it
Well if I join that school,maybe I'll take dragonboat as a CCA;Tone up my body^^
But it's a long journey between home and there
We'll just see how my results go,shall we?

Talking about results,3 more days;butterflies going crazy in my stomach,hope it'll be good,please let it be good=)
Nevermind,WARDAH will experience the same situation I'm in currently
but she's smart,I can see that

Speaking about her,hmm,she's a nice friend.funny,caring,did I mention awesome?haha
my fifield~
it's gonna be quick I tell you,it'll be over before you know it,so treasure your secondary 5 moments as soon as possible

I'll end here,happy 2010 yeaaaa,adios^^


2:09 AM
Yours truly.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Hows today ?

Hi . Today was okee . Sorry for not blogging yesterday . Was damn busy with homework ah , chey . Hah . So yeah , lets talk about yest first . Went sch with th usual peeps , Fiah , Janz & Liana . Reached at th parade square , and boomz ! Attire check , tsktsktsk . I hate that part . Was called because of my hair yang tk seberape nmpk brown . Went to th side , with Fiah and Janz too , lol . Jannah every year kene ey ? HAHAHA . Routine . So yeah , went there , blabla , then Ms Lee saw us . Fiah told me that Ms Lee was pointing at me , and with a question mark face . I guess she didn't know th reason why , because my hair has no colour ! BLACK YA KNOW ! Brown was there too , chey . A bit only sia , bey kene dye all black -_- But seriously , if you were to see my hair , you'll consider it as BLACK . Mdm Azah's eyes were really sharp , grrr ! She can even spot my lenses ! Its brown yes , but not that obvious what ? Dark brown , she can even see . Like whoa , so i must wear specs tmr , with no degree , hehe . Still using those lenses , good . So , today i must come to school with black hair . So i use dad's moustache thingy that makes it goes black , hahah . It did ! But my fringe , brown . Lol .

Hidayah told us that we will be shufffling . As in , some people will move to other class . Ape lg , th three of us gave th :O Then , after that , back to parade square , was suppose to go back to class . Alaa , we must gather . Only th sec 5 . Then , Mr Tan told us that ya , we will be moving to other class , only for some . 12 from N2 will go to N1 , and so do N1 , 12 people too . Janz and others said that i will be moving to N1 . Wahh , tknk sia separate from them , :( So yeah , names were announced by th teachers and yes , im going to 5N1 . Very kekok , four years in N2 . 1N1 , 2N2 , 3N2 , 4N2 and now , 5N1 ?!? Wah , last min upgrade , haha . So yeah , Irah and i were th only malay girls moving -_- Matiiii . Bryan 'syg' will be going N1 too . 5N1 is full of chineseeeee ya know . Im being surrounded by them , haha . 12 malays , and 21 chineseee . Boring , not noisy , hahahaha . But can concentrate more . Thats th good thing . but everytime when there's lesson , i will always rmbr Fiah , Janz and Liana . Idk why , miss them , though they're only next class -_- So yeah , went to 5N1 , idk where to sit . Lol . Lucky there's MIRAWR ! She asked me to sit with her . So i did . Then blabla , thought my new form teacher , Mr Michael , will change our seats , but he didn't - HOORAY . Then , Mr Michael wanted to choose a Vice chairman because Hidayah went to 5N2 , th former Vice chairman . So he wanted to choose from ex 5N2 by votings from th ex N2 students . Then , left me adn Hong Hwee with two votes for both . Then Mr Michael use a coin , head was Hong Hwee's , and tail is me . And hooray , Hong Hwee is our new Vice chairman , haha ! Im gonna be dead if im th VC . Hah .

So , let me skip that part , and lets talk about today . Went to school , sorry for being late , Janz . Hahaha . So , went to class , bey kene assemble at parade square . Sat beside Mirawr , another attire check , bleah ~ Lucky its Mr Michael , nyehehehe . Blabla , went to class , byebye to FJL . Had lessons , ate sweets , hah . Sour ey Mirawr ? Hahaha . Smpi trjump ey kau , hahaha . Geog , sleepy . Chemistry , went to lab , and my lab partner is Hariz Sapuwan . Blab , do practical and i poured th wrong chemicals . HAHA . Do it again , i swear i was choking ! Th pungent(chey) smell of chlorine and Sulfur sthsth idk were really phew ! I hate th smell , so does others . That is when th other Hariz dropped th test tube . Cracked , th techers didn't notice . Hahaha . He slipped it under th table with his leg . Funny , hahaha . Then recess , yahoo ! Its a sad thing , coz Fiah had to go home and dye her hair black . So ate with Janz and Liana . Went back to class , had malay . Sat beside Janz , weee ! Only can see Fiah , Janz & Liana during mass run(duh) , mother tongue , Art and LCD ? Its a hooray for me . Skipskipskip , Mdm Azah loves my hair , coz its black already , -_- Then saaw Fiah ! She's back , with her hair black . And some of brown still , lol . Lieyana complained to Janz about her hair and stuffs , hahaha . Back to class again , very senyap . English time , sat in groups , with Mirawr , Umar and Hariz too ,again . Did another version of 3 little pigs , but this time , my group's story is about , 3 little upper sec students ? Hahaha . About toilet . There's three guys , Ali , Muthu , Samy . And there's three cubicles , one made up of glass , another clear plastic , and last was titanium . Alaa , like th same old story , but this one , our DM went to th toilet , and sow this student , Ali , smoking (glass cubicle ) . He wanted to catch Ali , but Ali went to th next cubicle , and th story goes on . You guys can figure it out . Lol . So then , school ended , met Fiah and we went to th canteen , then to th lib . Did her homework , went to Vista , and went home . Alright , i type too long , hahaha . I swear im gonna miss N2 :( I love you guys .



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2:06 AM
Yours truly.

Monday, January 4, 2010
First day , tsktsk .

Miss you guys , hahahaa . See , im not MIA-ing , yet . Lol .

First day of school was okee . Only thing , it was raining . Apa daaa . Thought of sitting at th parade square . Ish ~ As usual , im in 5N2 . Forever N2 . But its a combination of 4N2 & N3 (: So yeah , came to school with Jannah , mcm biase , hah . We're in th school , walked one big round , then thought of going to th office to check our class . Lucky there's Irah , they told us where's our calss . Class kat depan mater -_-

We went in , and saaw N3 peeps , combined ey ? (: Coolcool ! Thought Ziana was there too , but read Aisyaa'a bloggie . She took higher nitec . Thats sad , but nvm (: Aisyaa , you still have us , so don't worry ayee ^^ We'll talk to youuuuuuu :D Then , while waitng for our form teacher to come , sat with Jannah and chit th chat . Blablablaa , i saw SIEN HUI ! <3 HAHAHA . Thought he's in th same class , but he retained :( SO VERY TH DAMN SAD . Thought of sitting beside him , againnnnnnnn :'( Then , Mdm Salimah came , and she's our form teacher for 2010 . Plus our english teacherrrr . I'll be deaddd , coz i can't give any excuses for not coming to band ; Mdm Salimah is our band teacher , how great is thatzxzxzxz ??!!?!! And she told us that Mdm Azah will be our form teacher :O Hahah . I WANT MS LEE . But its okee , Ms Lee will be teaching us Mathszxz ^^

We introduced ourselves at first , and told something about ourselves . Guess what i told her ? My name is Wardah . And i love SUSHI . Hahahaha . That was th only thing i can i think of . Makan je taw -_- Okee . Had our sitting arrangement , and Afiq will be sitting next to me . And congrats Aisyaa for being our V.chairperson . Good luck , lol . Had recess and stuffs . And i swear th sec 4 malay guys were damn noisy ! Attract attention , wahlao , fuck it up laa , you guys are 16 already . Ain't any pri school kids who likes to make lame noises for no reason ah , throw ice cubes here and there . Piker funny ah gitu ? Cb , irritating , pi mati pn banyak cantek . After school , headed to music room to have our band practise . First day of shool , and there's cca . Till 7++ . Fiah and i was LIKE WHOA . Was thinking , whether to go or not . Hah . There's performance on Thurs , thats why end so late .

So yeah , brisked home , thought dad would nagged , but hell no . I give salam , unlock th doors , and found my parent sitting on th chair . Wahlao . Bknnye nk tolong bukakkn door sei -_- . And yes , i was waiting for what dad would say , but what he asked was , 'amcm skola ? bnyk kwn ?' I answered , RAMAIIIIIIIII . With th arrogant face , hahaha . Dad thought my friends wont be going to sec 5 . BUT HEY , they did it okee , don't ever look down on my friends ! Hmph , *action* Lol . Bathe and ate . And here i am now , playing games -_- Dad told me to study , lazy laaa . And im gonna spent 24/7 on studies , soon . Cheyzxzxzxzxz -_-

Alright , i got nothing else to say . Gonna be meeting Aunt and nenek this sat .
I SOOOOOOOOOOOO CAN'T WAIT ! *eyebrow senget*

And i miss BENJI , hah . Shhh .



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5:11 AM
Yours truly.

Sunday, January 3, 2010
HI .

Hi . Im home .
Went to Vivo just now .
Looked at my brothers with their new iphones .
*drools* Ah nvm , i can survive . LOL .
Gonna miss you guys , i swear . Dont worry , i will stil blog .
Tag , and stuffs . Ain't MIA . Yet , haha .
And yes , happy one year anni to you ? :S
Lol .

Goodbye , farewell . Happy schooling ^^


3:33 AM
Yours truly.